
Sunday, January 15, 2012

Happy 3rd Birthday, Nicolas!!

On Saturday we went to Nicolas' birthday party.

Nicolas digs for treasures!

Patrick, Livy, and Emma look on.

"I found one!"

Emma says "What are you doing, brother?"

"May I try?"

 "Is this okay, Mommy?"

Livy's turn to dig!

Emma was fascinated with the sand!

Patrick's turn!

Time to do some shootin'!
Birthday boy first!



Cheering the shooters on!

Grandpa Smith takes a turn

Granny Smith and Mimi too!!!

Livy and Emma have gone back to playing in the sand!

Time for some yummy treats!

Then back to the sand!

Shooting skeet....balloons! :)

Time to reload!

Patrick shoots...

and Hope and James, too! :)

 "Happy Birthday to Nicolas!"


 Opening presents - A music bag from Aunt Melissa

A kazoo from Mommy and Daddy 

A pop-gun from Kathryn and Daniel

A fireman raincoat from Uncle Jonathan and Uncle David

A game from Grandpa and Granny Smith 

Sunglasses from Patrick

A game from Mimi...

...and a book that goes with the game.

A thank-you hug for Mimi

Poor little Emma wasn't feeling too great.

She was very content to lie around...

...and be doted on. :)

Daddy and Mama visiting with Mrs. Beeman.  It was SOOO fun to see the Beemans again!!!

Nicolas gets a drink from his new cup.

Emma decides she'll use his old one. :)

Happy Birthday, Nickel!! We love you so much!!!

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