
Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Livy's 4th Birthday Party

Livy decorates party hats in preparation for the party
 Aren't they cute?
Decorating for a party is fun!

 Anna and Baby Eva are the first guest to arrive :)
 Then Aunt Misty comes!
 "I'm a big girl now!"
 Playing with balloons
 Livy and the little Gallaghers
 Playing a game

 A hug for Livy's daddy...
 ...and some time to be silly!
Friends in Party hats!
Baby Eva - "What is this thing on my head?"
"Granny Smith says it's okay, so I guess I won't worry about it."
Baby Emma, Amanda, Emma, and Zoe
 Birthday cards...
 and Birthday presents!
 "This is fun!"
Where's Nicolas??
 Nicolas' hair stands up straight...
 Baby Eva's too! :)
Livy wanted lots of candles on her cake!

 "But it's taking forever to get them all lit...I guess I'll take a rest."
 The Happy Birthday song can be very embarrassing...Livy is suddenly very shy. :)
 But, with some help from daddy...
...the candles finally get blown out. :) 
   Eating cake!
 Melissa helps Nicolas hold Eva
Jonathan, Aunt Susan, and Misty
 Anna, Emma, and Amanda
 Livy and Patrick trying out Livy's new crayons and school books
Happy Birthday to our dear Livy! We love you so, so much!!!!!

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