
Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Jonathan's Goodbye Party

Tomorrow Jonathan leaves for Virginia to start his new job in a law office there.  Last Friday we had a goodbye party for him.
It was a fun party except for the reason of the party!
Everyone listens as friends share advice with Jonathan
Mrs. Cullifer and Ella
Daddy and Jonathan
Time for dessert!
A room full of precious little ones!
Jonathan and Mama Flo
Some of the men visiting
Others visiting
Amanda and Mrs. Berry
Sarah and Ashley (and William)
Emma has the cutest smile!
Mr. and Mrs. Kirk and Jonathan
State Rep. Vance Dennis, Charles Lee, and Daddy
Mr. Drobina, Mr. Berry, Aunt Susan, Jimmy, and Will
Patrick was ready for bed!
Emma was still going strong! Everyone was laughing at her funny hair so she was laughing too!
We're really going to miss Jonathan!  It will not be the same without him!

1 comment:

  1. Oh, how I feel for you all!
    Our recent adjustments to MS's short trips to Verity for two separate occasions left us feeling awkward, so I can imagine how you must feel for Jonathan's indefinite season away!
    You'll all be in my thoughts and prayers!
    His blessings to you, Jonathan!!

