
Wednesday, March 7, 2012

A Visit from Hannah and Andrew...and other stuff!

Having Hannah here was such a treat!
Ella, our neighbors' granddaughter, is visiting for a few weeks and stays with us during the day.
Precious Livy
Livy feeding the neighbors' cows
Their bull, Jarome, is the most friendly of all the cows!
This school bus was used as a storm shelter before we bought the farm.
Livy and Ella were so excited to get to go inside!
Hannah, Sarah, Livy, and Ella inside the school bus
Emily and Hannah working on sewing projects
Andrew and David
Fried Oreos!
These things are delicious!
Livy claimed Andrew as another brother!

Ella and Sarah
Livy and Ella with Butterfinger
I am so thankful for the time with Hannah!
Thank you, Hannah and Andrew, for taking time from your busy schedules to come visit us, and thank you to the rest of the Hales who gave them up for over a week!  We had such a great time with them!

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