
Wednesday, April 4, 2012

YAY!!!! Samuel is back!

My precious little buddy just spent another
couple of weeks with me and, as always, we had such
a marvelous time together! 
Samuel is always so happy to come see Bekah!

This is the only picture I have of the two of us together from this visit.
We were touring Shiloh Battlefield and museum.

I didn't take many pictures this time,
but of the few that I took, here are my favorites...

 Samuel worked so hard in his school time each day!  
During this visit he learned to graph and how to read and understand graphs.

He also learned to measure with a ruler...

 ...and Olivia taught him to locate several more states on the map!
Samuel now knows, and can name
Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, and South Carolina!

Here are some pictures of Samuel with a few of my other students and friends.
With Spencer... 

...and Nathaniel.

Sweet Nathaniel wanted to give Samuel a ride on the swing... Samuel asked to give Nathaniel one!

Nicholas said, "I'm sorry, but I had to wear a hat to my lesson
because I need a haircut and my hair's a mess!"
-Samuel reached over and whisked his hat off, and put it on his own head! :)

Our neighbor, Scott, is Samuel's big buddy!

One afternoon we rode to the back of the farm to gather tadpoles with the Gallagher children.

Samuel enjoyed watching his friends scoop them up!

One afternoon Samuel and I pitched a tent to play in!

 We had such fun setting it up and playing in it!
(See how he loved it?!)

"Bekah's swing?" was still Samuel's most frequent request.
(I'm delighted by how much he enjoys it!) 

 We all went to Mama Flo's for supper one evening.
Samuel ate a big (and delicious!) supper.  Afterwards he and I read some stories;
then, contented with a full tummy, he reclined on the couch and fell fast asleep.

I love you, Samuel, and I miss you!!!!!!


  1. Oh, Rebekah...I love it!! Thank you for posting.

    Samuel misses you, too!


  2. Samuel looks like a fun boy! He shares the same love of swings as my son Jonathan...I think they would be good buddies.

    So glad you all had such a grand time.
    Mrs. Munck
