
Tuesday, June 5, 2012

A Baby Shower

A couple weeks ago we went to Clarksville for a baby shower for our new cousin who is due this summer.  Little Carlynn Miranda, daughter of our cousin Jeremy and his wife Tamsyn, will be the third great-granddaughter in the family.  Now Daddy and his 2 younger brothers each have a granddaughter.

The new mama

Aunt Judy, Carlynn's grandmother

For one of the games, they passed around paper bags with a baby item in each one.  The guests had to guess what was in each bag by feeling it.

Carlynn's little cousins, Allie and Katie

Amanda and Allie

The cake

Our cousins, Lori and Allie

Tamsyn and Jeremy open the gifts

We are all excited about welcoming our new cousin next month!

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