
Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Camping - Day One

Friday afternoon through Saturday afternoon we went camping with the Gallaghers at Natchez Trace State Park.

We stopped at the Park Headquarters and all the children petted this corn snake!

The campsite we chose was right on the lake. 
Here we are setting up the tents. (You can see the water to the left.)

Moving in!

The little helpers were so adorable!

Our campsite was also next to this playground

The kids loved it!

I'm so thankful that we got to take Livy with us on this trip!

Emma was matching Aunt Amanda...

...and Nicolas was matching Aunt Sarah!

Nicolas and Patrick watch Uncle David start the fire

James and David

Dinner cooking!

Livy helps Emma get a drink

Four adorable children enjoying their dinner

After dinner we took a walk.

I love this bridge!

A group picture

Back at the campsite we roasted marshmallows.

Livy said her favorite part of the whole trip was the marshmallows!




Spotlight on Aunt Amanda!

Time for bed for the little ones!

This was Livy's first time to sleep in a tent.  She told us it was more fun than sleeping in a camper!

Once the children were asleep we sat around the campfire and visited...and ate!

Midnight snack

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