
Sunday, July 15, 2012

Vance Dennis for State Representative Fish Fry

For the past 4 years we have been privileged to have Vance Dennis representing us in the State House.  Sadly, due to redistricting this year, our county is no longer part of Vance's district.  We are really going to miss having him as our Representative!

Vance has 2 1/2 new counties in his district now, and we've still enjoyed helping with his re-election campaign.  Last week some of us attended a fish fry that Vance hosted in Lewis County.  We are grateful to Governor Haslam for making time in his schedule to attend the event in support of Vance.

The Wayne Jerrolds Band from Savannah provided music for the event.

The Governor

Some of the crowd

It was estimated that over 250 people attended the event.

Governor Haslam speaks with some of the guests

Vance is a wonderful representative - always ready to listen to the people whom he represents.

Ashley (Vance's wife) and Carlee (campaign manager) are such assets to the campaign!

Governor Haslam and Daddy

Vance addresses the crowd...

...and introduces Governor Haslam.

The Governor's speech

Attentive crowds

Vance and Ashley with the Governor

Here are a couple of video clips of the speeches

Short Version:
(A 3 1/2 minute clip of the Governor talking about why it is important that the 71st district re-elect Vance)

Longer Version:
(The entirety of both Vance's and the Governor's speeches - a little longer, but worth watching!)

To everyone in the new 71st district (Hardin, Lewis, Wayne, and part of Lawrence Counties) - since we can't do so anymore, please vote to re-elect Vance Dennis as your representative!  Tennessee needs the kind of leadership he has to offer.   

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