
Sunday, August 26, 2012

Bible Bee

This is the first year that there has been a Bible Bee in our area, and we were all excited to get to help out during the local competition.

Mr. Moss was the host of the local group.  He and his family put so much work into what happened Saturday!

Eight of the 27 contestants were friends of ours, so that made it even more exciting.
Edyn, Samuel, and Kyra (with Edyn and Kyra's mom) friends from our church

The five Moss children who competed - Joy, Delie, Anna, George, and Samuel

A few of the contestants (and younger siblings) visiting while waiting to take their oral tests.

A cute little girl!

Obviously, we couldn't take any pictures of the actual testing, but here are pictures from the awards ceremony afterwards.

The contestants came up grouped by the Bible version in which they had chosen to compete, and each group was given a passage to recite.

This group memorized from the NKJV





The contestants with the top 5 scores in each age group received special certificates and prizes.
The Primary Winners (ages 7-10)
1st - 5th places: George, Samuel M., Samuel H. Sara, and Edyn 

The Junior Winners (ages 11-14)
1st - 5th places: Delie, Glenn, Anna, Ainsley, and Abby

The Senior Winners (ages 15-18)
1st - 4th places: Joy, Gabrielle, Mckaela, and Lucas

The Bible Bee can be very exhausting, as evidenced by William, who decided to take a rest while his Daddy was interviewed by the Jackson Sun.  :)
You can click here to read the article.

After the awards ceremony, the Bible Bee families celebrated with a reception.

James enjoying his cake.

It was nice to see some grandparents come out to support their grandchildren at the contest.

Delie is interviewed

We enjoyed being able to have a part in the Bible Bee, and we look forward to Wednesday, when we will find out which contestants will advance to Nationals!


  1. Thank you for posting about the Bible Bee in your area! Silas and Priscilla along with a few others went to one about five hours from here. It's something we really enjoy and with how well they have to know the verses I don't think they'll forget them.

  2. i love seeing BB pics
