
Sunday, August 12, 2012

Eva's 1st Birthday!

We celebrated Eva's first birthday with Mama Flo, the Gallaghers, and Mr. Lewis (who was visiting us from Texas).

Eva playing with a stray kitten who has adopted her

Emma and Aunt Deborah

Eva loves to pet the kittens and say "meow!"

Emma and Eva

These children are so precious!

Emma is happy!

Eva's birthday dress matched her cake!

"I'm not sure what's going on, but I think it's going to be fun!"

Melissa made Eva's cake

Aunt Amanda and Nicolas

Mr Lewis reads a story to the birthday girl.

Emma and Eva

They are so sweet to each other!

Eva gets her first taste of cake and ice cream!

She liked the ice cream best!

Time to open presents!

A stick horse from Aunt Rebekah (She crocheted it.)

A book from Grandpa and Granny Smith

Eva LOVED this noisy gift!! :)

"What's in here?!"

Playing with friends

"I like this one!"

Some of Eva's audience

Eva's expressions are so darling!
I couldn't choose which of these pictures to post, so I'm going to post several! :)

Too much partying!!  This stuffed dog from Mama Flo is a nice soft pillow for Eva!

Eva was so sleepy! She was ready for some cuddles with Granny Smith!

"Goodnight, everyone!"

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