
Monday, November 5, 2012

Another 5k Race

This past Saturday several of us ran another race.

Nathaniel, one of Rebekah's dear little buddies, was able to participate with her again, 
and this time he ran/walked the whole way on his own!!!
This took so much strength and determination!

Click here to view Nathaniel's first race, this spring

Here are Rebekah and Nathaniel doing their warm-ups before the race...

...and here are Amanda and David, all ready to begin!

First we received directions for the course, which went through
several streets in a residential area... with many, many "tragic" hills
(It seriously felt like the whole race was uphill!) 

"Ready....... GO!"

Nathaniel and Rebekah



While we ran, sweet Livy enjoyed the playground with Deborah.
 UP she goes...

... and back DOWN

Here comes David!!!


...and he crosses the finish line in 27.38, first in his age group!
(That was awesome timing for that hilly course!)

And here comes the first female runner, Amanda!!!

She crosses the finish line in 30.34.

At long last, off in the distance, here come Nathaniel and Rebekah!

It wasn't easy, but Nathaniel wanted to finished the race at a fast run...

...and we crossed the line in 40.40!

-The Awards Ceremony-

A medal for the first overall female runner!

The first overall male and female runners pose together
Good running, Amanda!

David receives a 1st place medal for his age group

Nathaniel receives a 2nd place medal for the 10-and-under age group

"I'm so proud of you!"

Running and walking the course with her little buddy, Rebekah still won a 3rd place medal for her age group!
(See the benefits of running in such a small race?!)

A happy little guy displays his medal for the photographer 

At the end of the ceremony, Nathaniel was called back to the front
 and given a very special trophy to award his great determination and endurance in,
and preparing for, this race!
This was such a special thing that our county's regional alliance did for him!
We are so grateful! *
 *If you had told me a year ago that Nathaniel would be running a 5k this year, I wouldn't have believed it.
To tell the truth, a few years ago I wouldn't have believed that he'd ever be able to run a race, but GOD IS GOOD and Nathaniel is determined!!

1 comment:

  1. Yay! Congrats to all! Amanda's smile in that one picture reminds me of the one she gave someone who said I looked very "prosperous" :)
