
Friday, November 2, 2012

More from our trip to Texas

After the wedding, the Wahlquists invited the out-of-town guests and those who had helped with the wedding out to their place for dinner.  We enjoyed visiting with quite a few friends and making new friends.

Little David has grown so much since we saw him in the spring!

Amanda and Kathryn

Esther and David

Eating and visiting with friends

We stayed with our dear friends, the Beemans, during our trip.  The Beemans have 5 beautiful peacocks that strayed to their house.

Big city scenery  :)

On Sunday, we went to our old church.

It had been 11 years since the last time we visited the church, and it was very special to be there again.

Us and the Beemans with Nidia and Miss Isabel Lambert (our former pastor's daughter)

Visiting afterwards

While the rest of us stayed at the Beemans', Deborah and David spent the last day and a half with the Hales.  We stopped to pick them up on our way home, and visited a little while with the Hales.

Esther and Amanda

Visiting with Andrew

In the Hales' chicken processing facility.

Some Hale and Smith girls

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