
Thursday, November 1, 2012

Our Trip to Texas - Kathryn's Birthday Party

While we were in Texas, we were invited to a tea party to celebrate sweet Kathryn's 5th birthday.  We went over early to spend some extra time with them and to help get ready for the party.

Preparing decorations and crafts

Kathryn and Danny helping to stuff the pinata.

Adorable David

Danny's bunkbed has a fun slide!

Melissa, getting Kathryn ready for her party

All ready!

She was very excited to welcome her guests.

David, ready for tea!

Kathryn sang the 23rd Psalm

Danny shows his tiny teacup and saucer to Mimi.

Time for tea

Making a cupcake craft

The birthday girl, opening her gifts

Help from little brother

David with his Mimi

Time to break the pinata

Happy birthday, Kathryn!  We love you.

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