
Saturday, June 1, 2013

Butchering Day!

We butchered our meat chickens a few weeks ago.  Hope brought the kids over for a field trip and got some pictures of the process. We usually don't get many pictures on butchering day, because no one is clean enough to touch the camera, so thanks to Hope for the pictures!

These chickens are in he back of the truck, waiting to be butchered
Emma thinks they are funny!

Emily puts a chicken in the killing cone while Baby William looks on. :)

He seems quite happy about it too! :)

David and Daddy work to regulate our new scalder- purchased with our prize money from this video contest

We don't usually butcher so close to the house, but the scalder cord isn't long enough to reach any further.

Aunt Sarah gives Patrick a close-up look inside the plucker

Nicolas prefers to watch from a distance! :)

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