
Friday, December 27, 2013

Random Pictures from the Past Two Months

I was going through hundreds of pictures on our camera this week and decided to share a few old ones that we hadn't posted.

David and Deborah were at Walmart in early November and discovered this incredible bargain.  That's right -  1 cent pumpkins!  They were starting to get soft, so the store was trying to get rid of them.  David bought all that could fit in 2 carts (for less than 40 cents) to use for target practice.  :)

We had some friends over later that week, so they painted pumpkins.

Deborah has been babysitting this sweet little guy, Tony, since this summer.

This is Abram, the cute little fellow Rebekah babysits on Mondays and Tuesdays

Both of "our" little guys - they're a lot of fun!

Livy started school this year, so we don't get to see her as much anymore.  We still get her sometimes on school holidays, though.  This picture was taken on Thanksgiving.

We have also had Tony's big brother, Justin, over the holidays.

Deborah made this quilt for Olivia for Christmas

Chime Choir practice at our church

We enjoyed learning some Christmas pieces together the past few months.  Here are some videos from a couple chime choir rehearsals.

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