
Thursday, December 12, 2013

Selmer Christmas Parade

Last week was the Christmas Parade in Selmer.  We helped put together a float for the McNairy County Right to Life group in order to raise awareness for an important constitutional amendment that will be on the Tennessee ballot next year.

Lined up at the parade start, doing the last-minute preparations to get the float ready to roll

Setting up the sound system

Attaching the McNairy County Right to Life signs to the truck

Getting the Christmas tree in place

A vehicle stops to drop off more of our riders

The children get lined up on the float

The tree needs a little more attention (it kept tipping over!)

And finally, the parade starts to move forward!
Some of the adults walked alongside to pass out candy and information about the amendment.

The view of the parade in front of us...

...and the view behind us

And here is our float!

David and our driver, Mr. Donahoe  (We could not have done it without all of Mr. Donahoe's help.  Thank you so much!)

As we went through town, Hope played Christmas carols on the accordion and everyone else sang.

And finally, a full-length shot from both sides

If you live in Tennessee (or plan to relocate here in the next 10 1/2 months), please visit to learn more about this important issue, and what you can do to help in the efforts to pass this much-needed amendment to our State Constitution.

1 comment:

  1. I like your new header.
    I miss you all.
