
Thursday, February 6, 2014

Wedding Preparations

A few days before the wedding the Poole girls came over to help us make mints for the reception.

The mixer sent clouds of sugary dust into the air,
and these silly girls stuck out their tongues to taste it! :)

Rolling out the mints

Anna rolls the balls in sugar

Rebekah presses the balls into the mold...

...and pops them out as beautiful roses!

A tray of white mints

Deborah and Laura

Three years ago the Poole girls helped us make mints for Anna's wedding.
They've grown a lot since then!

Here is the rice we are going to throw at Melissa and Ross as they leave the church.
Melissa dyed it pink.

We tied up the rice in little bags


Our printer had a lot of work to do printing wedding programs! :)

Amanda marks each program...

Rebekah scores them, and Deborah folds them.

Melissa chose this tri-fold for her programs

Can you tell that this silhouette is actually Melissa and Ross?

 Allyn came over one evening to practice on our hair

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