
Sunday, March 23, 2014

Wedding Pictures (Post 1)

The pictures in the next several posts are by our cousin, Tamsyn, of That One Girl's Photography.  We were so happy to have her as the wedding photographer!  Please do not copy or share the pictures without crediting Tamsyn.  If you enjoy the pictures, please take a moment to "like" That One Girl's Photography's  Facebook and Google+ pages.

Before the Wedding

Melissa's dress

Ross sees Melissa for the first time in her wedding dress.

A cute little flower girl getting ready

Another flower girl

Both of the flower girls' dresses had pockets in them.  Melissa made these little Poppie people for the girls to carry in their pockets and play with during the ceremony.  Eva got a miniature bride and groom, and Livy got a miniature bridesmaid and groomsmen.

Sarah H. and Hudson

Last minute hair touch-ups

Amanda and Anna

Mama Flo and Mrs. Poole

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