
Monday, April 28, 2014

Trip to MD - Part 1

David had a long weekend over Easter, so he and I went up to Steven and Anna's for a few days.  Mr. and Mrs. Corbett and Rachel were visiting Steven and Anna also, and Jonathan came up from Virginia, so they had a houseful.  We all had a great weekend together!

Hudson had a bad cold while we were there, but he was still so smiley.

Jonathan, Anna, David, and Rachel

Eva and Hudson love their little people

Uncle Jonathan is a great playmate

Eva, Rachel, and David

Steven and Anna live with and care for Steven's great-grandmother, Nanny.

This little fella is really growing up!

He looks just like Jonathan's baby pictures in this one.

Hudson and me

Rachel and David

 Playing in their playhouse

Mr. Corbett and Nanny

Uncle David and Eva relaxing

We had a bonfire one evening

David, Sam (the Corbetts' cousin and neighbor), and Jonathan

Eva playing with some window clings Grandmama sent her

Eva likes to color and draw.

I thought this drawing of hers was impressive (she's only 2).  Aren't her people cute?!

This is Hudson's sleepy look

Helping Grandma hang the laundry

The sunshine is bright!

This flowering tree is so pretty.

"Would you like a flower?"


Ready to go on a stroller ride

From one side of the house you can see all the way across the river and mountains into West Virginia.  There is a lookout there on the top of the mountain (the white building in the center of the picture), from which you can overlook the whole farm.  Mr. and Mrs. Corbett, Jonathan, David, and Rachel were there when this picture was taken, but it's too far away to see them.

They took this picture looking back at us - the white spot in the center is the barn, and just to the right of it (across the street) is Nanny's house.

Rachel and David, with Nanny's farm in the background

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