
Monday, May 19, 2014

Zoo Day 2014

A couple weeks ago we took our annual trip to the zoo with our church and friends.

Waiting at the zoo entrance for the rest of our group to arrive.

Brenna, Nate, Aylah, and Seth

The Kings and some of the Heaths


Rebekah and Laura

The Hammonds
The Pooles

Some of us fed the giraffes

Rebekah and Abram on a camel ride...

...while Daddy, Melissa, and Mama look on

Tony (the little boy Deborah babysits) and his family went with us.

Samuel, Kyra, Patrick, and Edyn at lunchtime



The meerkats are so fun to watch!

Ella and Caleb



Nicolas and Emma want to pet a duck!

In the reptile house

Deborah and Tony

Waiting for the Sea Lion Show

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