
Wednesday, April 1, 2015

The Gang's All Here

Jonathan finished law school at the end of last year, and took the bar exam in late February.  He flew home to visit for a few days afterwards, and Anna, Steven, and the children came down for a visit at the same time, so we had the whole family together for the first time since last summer.  We had such wonderful times together!

Daddy and Mama with the grandbabies

Hudson helping Uncle Jonathan with some computer work

Eva adored her baby cousin, and always wanted to help take care of him.

Great-grandmother and great-grandchild

Hugh's first taste of ice cream - we start 'em off early!
(From the looks of his face, I don't think he liked it too well)

Jonathan, Mama Flo, and Emily

Aunt Melissa and Hudson

Silly little guy!

Uncle Jonathan and Eva

Aunt Sarah and Hugh

The kids love to be read to

Cute little fella!

Tea party

Hudson, Anna, and Steven

Eva and Hudson figured out how to both ride the tricycle at once.

Aunt Rebekah and Hudson - love that grin!

A little chef

Eva's having a tea party...

...with her dolly


These two were so cute together!

Eva introduces Uncle Ross to Dr. Suess' "Sneetches"

Aunt Rebekah and Eva

Our first batch of spring chickens arrived while they were here.  The kids loved them!

Stay tuned for more pictures from our time together!

1 comment:

  1. Sarah, Your family is beautiful. I sooo enjoyed seeing this post... it's been a long time since I've 'followed' my blogs.
    Congratulations to Jonathan. Will he move back home, or stay in CA?

    Hope your celebration of Christ's resurrection is really special!
