
Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Three Little Cousins

This was the first time for the cousins to meet each other.

They were so sweet together.

We kept trying for the "perfect picture", and ended up with these hilarious sequences.

Hugh looks a little concerned about what's happening

A little too tight, Eva

Pretty close to perfect

 Love their eyes in this one!

Now Hudson takes a turn

Hugh smiles, but not Hudson

Hudson smiles, but not Hugh

And it gets even better with all three...

What faces!

Eva pretends to pout...

...then decides to show her silly side

Hugh looks a bit startled...

...then a little worried

 A little better, but no real smiles

Eva pauses to bestow a kiss on Hugh, and Hudson decides to show his best smile.

Ooops!  We lost one!  (And look at Hugh's eyes!)

They're getting tired now...

Let's call it a night.  Someday when they're older we'll get one with all three looking and smiling at once!

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