
Sunday, August 30, 2015

A Fantastic Week

Amanda and I (Rebekah) flew to Maryland 
the week before last, to spend a week with
these two precious little ones and their parents.
Eva - age 4         Hudson - age 2
(Have you ever seen anything more precious?!)

Here we are, on the Memphis-to-Baltimore flight
-I think the selfie is a bit cheesey, but maybe our smiles
show how excited we were! 

We had such a grand time with these two!
Here they are holding their beloved lanterns - gifts from Mama Flo
We were on our way to the cave...

And here we are, peering into the cave...

Inside the cave, with the kids' lanterns. posing with Eva

Amanda and Hudson, on the bridge over part of the canal

Big boy Hudson wanted to take a turn pulling the wagon

 We finally arrived at our destination - the Potomac River!
(That's West Virginia across the river)

Eva turned four on August 4th, but she had another little 
celebration on August 24th with a couple of her Aunties...
who brought gifts from everyone "back home"

Anna and Eva read one of her cards

 Hudson was thrilled with one of Eva's gift from Mama Flo
- a bag of "Lollipops"!!
They were both delighted with them!

 One day while we were there, Steven's grandparents invited 
us all for a delicious lunch at their house.  It was wonderful,
but we forgot to take pictures until it was almost too late!
 Here is what's left after everyone had fixed their plates...

...and here is Eva, with her great-great-grandmother, Nanny.
We feel bad that we have no more pictures of Nanny.  Spending time
with her was one of the highlights of our trip!  She is just wonderful!

One afternoon we went for a boat ride

Hudson, Anna, and Amanda

Eva with me

Here is a BEAUTIFUL view from up in the mountains.
That's their house and farm you see

 Friday morning, as we prepared to say our sad goodbyes this precious girlie....

...and her adorable baby brother

 One last picture with "our" babies...

...and one with our darling babies plus their terrific parents!

Thank you so very much, Anna and Steven, for a tremendous week!

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