
Sunday, November 1, 2015

Texas Trip - Saturday - The Texas State Fair

When we lived in Texas, going to the State Fair was something we looked forward to every year.  We really wanted to be able to share the experience with our foster children, hence the trip to Texas.

Peter, David, Andrew, and Rachel visiting Saturday morning before our caravan left for the fair.

After arriving at the fair parking lot, making sure we have everything together

Waiting for the tram to ride from the parking lot into the fairground

Hannah and Emma

Emily, Mama, and Esther

Daniel, Sarah H., Deborah and Corrie, Hannah and Emma

We may have chosen the busiest day of the fair.  :)  There was a big UT/OU Football game going on simultaneously, and the crowd was huge!

This is the mass of people we waded through all day.

We had a group of 25, and didn't lose anyone.  :)

Amanda and Emma

Deborah and Corrie

Sarah H. and Emma

These three loved the animals

The petting zoo was a big hit.  We spent quite a bit of time in there.

Emily and Isaiah

A giant turtle


Some of the little guys competed in a kids' rodeo.

Some of our group spectating.

Cute cowboys and cowgirls lining up

She was so excited when her brother won first place in the "steer wrestling".

Consulting the fair map to determine the best route towards our next destination.

Some of our group rode the ferris wheel...

...and took these pictures from the top.

The view of the packed football stadium from the top of the ferris wheel

I thought this was a really neat shot of the ferris wheel (compliments of either David or Rachel)

Our family...

...and us with the rest of our group.

Cute, hot, and tired babies

At the horse show

David and one of our little guys cool off in the mist.

The bike show

Some of us saw the amazing African Acrobats Show when we went to the fair 3 years ago, and when we started planning this trip, that was on our must-see list.

Our group looks very intrigued.

Danny, loving the show

Back in the van after a fun day, visiting while we wait for the rest of our group.

Cute sisters

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