
Sunday, November 1, 2015

Texas Trip - Sunday Afternoon and Evening

After church, the Hales invited several other friends of ours over for the rest of the day.





Eating and visiting together

Emma and Katie are on the wrong side of the gate!

Little boys and legos


Kiddos coloring


Several of us took the children on a long walk.

Cute cousins

Will and Emma

These girls had so much fun getting to spend time with each other again.

Looking at a neighbor's horses


A group picture of the children

Sleepy Michael and Corrie

Cute kiddos playing

Mr. Hale takes Michael and Will for a ride

Walking out to the chicken pens

Making dinner

More visiting - it was so nice to see all these friends!

Emma "texting"

We drove home the next day.  Looking across the river into Tennessee.

We had a GREAT trip, but it's always nice to see this sign near the end.

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