
Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Christmas Day

Nativity Scene Ornament

Hugh checks out the tree

Working on Christmas dinner

Stockings are probably everyone in the family's favorite part of Christmas day!

Stockings wouldn't be the same without gag gifts.  The newest member of the family usually gets picked on the worst (Daniel, beware!).  Someone put this hideous thing in Russell's.

Somebody else got a gag gift!

One of the little boys discovering what's inside his stocking.

Miniature bride and groom ornaments for Amanda and Russell!

Fun shirts...Russell's says "If this shirt offends you, you need a history lesson!"

and Rachel's says "This is what the world's best sister-in-law looks like" 

Rebekah made Mama Flo this model of her house

Our little girlie got a dollhouse.  Here she and Rachel enjoy setting it up.

One of the little boys picked this shirt for Mama Flo all by himself.

Jonathan came down for a week over Christmas.  We all enjoyed having him here!

More dollhouse fun

Another gag gift!  This one from's a horrible hat/scarf/gloves.

A very important gift - Russell received his edition of the Smith dictionary.  If you're going to be part of the family, you have to speak our lingo.  (And if you're not part of the family, no, you can't read it!)

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