
Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Courtin' Days! - Daniel and Deborah :)

On March 24th a very special person came to visit!  Two very special people, actually - Daniel and Mrs. Hale! :)  Unfortunately we don't have any pictures of Mrs. Hale from the trip....
I suppose this is because the cameras were all pointed in the other direction! :)

I am so grateful to God for this wonderful man He has brought into my life!

Starting the visit off right - with some Blue Bell! :)

Various siblings were sneaking pictures of us together with their phones. :)

On Saturday we went to Shiloh

Sarah snapped some pictures of us together while the kiddos played

Inside the culvert

We decided to climb up to this rock for a picture

Daniel helping one of our little guys up the hill

Walking up to the Indian Mounds

I am so happy that our little ones love Daniel so much! :)

Up on the tallest Indian Mound

On the Tennessee River

"This is the LORD'S doing; it is marvelous in our eyes." Psalm 118:23

Leaving Shiloh - We look a bit happy, don't you think? :)

Basketball Saturday afternoon

Easter Sunday at Mama Flo's house

Cousin Amy and Katherine

Sweet little Katherine

Allie meets her littlest cousin

The Moore Four!

Daniel and I at David and Rachel's house on Sunday afternoon.
Sitting on the porch swing, sipping sweet tea... Can't get much better than this! :)

Sunday evening Daniel and I got to FaceTime with some of his cousins and tell them our news! 

Monday night Daniel and I went to Melissa and Ross' house for dinner.
Enjoying their sweet babies

Poor little Hugh has pneumonia, so he wasn't feeling so great

Katherine sleeping peacefully 

Story time

And all too soon the visit was over, and Daniel had to go back to Texas. :(  I miss him so much!
Counting down the day until we can be together again! :)


  1. LOOOOOOVE this post!! And love y'all!!!!! :D

  2. Thanks, Esther!! :) Love you too! Can't wait to see you in a few weeks!
