
Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Deborah's Trip to Texas

When the Hales left our house they took a stowaway with them!
I (Deborah) was very happy to be that stowaway! :)

Passing through Memphis, we stopped at Bass Pro in the Pyramid 

Peter and Hannah

Girl picture

And a picture with the guys
Andrew, Peter, Hannah, Deborah, Sarah, and Daniel

A beautiful, foggy, Texas morning
Hannah, Daniel, and Mr. Hale discussing the plans for the day

140 blueberry plants planted in one day!

Afterwards we celebrated with Blue Bell!
It was so good to taste Blue Bell again after it was off the shelves for so long!!

Saturday morning at the Hales'
I really enjoyed spending time with the Beeman kiddos and the Hale grandkids!

David and Bobby

Esther and Hannah with some of the little ones

Aunt Sarah and "Papa Bear" join the fun!

Sam and his nephew, Michael

Isaiah :)

Watching "Incredible Creatures" with 6 sweet kids

I got to help Mrs. Hale make some cakes while I was in Texas! She makes the most delicious cakes!!

More kiddos come!  Hi, Cayla! :)

Bella and Corrie

Sisters :)

She's so cute!

After church on Sunday

Sweet baby Weldon

We spent Sunday afternoon with the Hutchins and had a great time!

Off on a shopping trip with Esther and her sweet baby

Hannah and I working at the sign-in table for a political event - Dan Flynn for State Representative

I thought the boots used for decoration was a cute idea!

Hannah and I spent a few afternoons hammering in stakes and getting up the irrigation hoses for the blueberries

All finished! :)

Another carton of Blue Bell cleaned out  :)

A load of chickens arrive to be processed. Time for work!
It always surprises me how late the sun comes up in Texas! :)

A beautiful sunset

With my sweet friend Ruthie and little Corrie at a fundraiser for the fire department

My dear friend Hannah

Joined by more dear friends!
Ruth, Deborah, Corrie, Hannah, Abigail, Sarah, Emma, and Esther

Back home, Emma and Aunt Hannah check out recipes

Peter works on a paper skeleton while Sarah looks on.
We had a lot of fun working on that skeleton while watching Tom and Jerry!

Emma's getting sleepy!

Daniel and Bert

This picture just makes me laugh! Bert is NOT letting go!

More Blue Bell!! We counted up that we went through 13 cartons of Blue Bell while I was in Texas!

Sunday afternoon walk to see the horses


And yes!  That's more Blue Bell!!! :)

Ruthie and me again :)

These 2 are so fun together!

Katie and Emma

Sweet sisters in their matching dresses

A game going on in the kicthen

Aunt Hannah with Corrie and Emma

I really enjoyed being at the New Year's Party for the local Volunteer Fire Department!
Daniel was recognized for going to over 40% of the calls

And Sam was made Fireman of the Year!

I enjoyed lots of cuddles with sweet baby Corrie!

The night before I left Daniel took me out to see his incubators.

I had a wonderful trip!  Leaving was really sad! :(

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