
Sunday, July 17, 2016

After the Wedding

Several friends hung around to visit after the wedding.

Eva and Katherine

Cleaning the kitchen

Mr. Hale sword fighting with one of the little guys

Little girls enjoying the dollhouse

Ultimate Frisbee

Sweet little guys enjoying wedding leftovers

More visiting

The littles watch a video together Sunday morning before church

We loaded the Hales' van full of Amanda and Russell's gifts and everything else Amanda needed to move, and Jonathan, Deborah, and Rebekah went along back to Texas to help get everything moved into Russell and Amanda's apartment.  

Well, Rebekah and Jonathan went to help...we're not sure why Deborah went!  :)

Going to pick berries with Daniel's niece and nephew

Visiting the newlyweds

Group selfie!

 Steven and Anna planned to drive home the Tuesday after the wedding, but van troubles delayed them an extra week.  We were grateful for the unexpected extra time together!

It is so fun to watch these seven together!

1 comment:

  1. I've so enjoyed the wedding posts!
    It looked like such beautiful and relaxed wedding,focused on fellowship.

    CONGRATULATIONS and blessings to the newlyweds!

