
Tuesday, August 30, 2016

The Lewis Edition: Our Trip (Part 2)

We SO enjoyed the time spent with our families in Tennessee and Ohio!  Sadly, though, we didn't get any pictures of us together. :(  We'll try to do better next time!

One of the places we enjoyed visiting in the Dayton area was Dorothy Lane Market.  Russell and I were so impressed by their attractive and creative displays!

Natural color


Since it was our first visit, we were given one of their famous "Killer Brownies"!  It was delicious, and very rich!  We ate a little every day for about 5 days until it was gone. ;)

This reminded me of the "cookies in 49 flavors" from one of the Sweet Pickles books we enjoyed as children. :)

Another of the highlights of the trip for both of us was getting to visit Steven, Anna, Eva and Hudson in Maryland.  

We so enjoyed the mountainous scenery as we passed through West Virginia and Maryland!

The second (and last) evening we were there, we all went to the scenic overlook which looks out over Nanny's farm (where Steven and Anna live).  If you've followed our blog for long, you've seen pictures like this before ... but I couldn't pass up posting another! ;)  Nanny's farmhouse and barn are visible in the picture. 

I love this little girl!

For some reason, when the two of us get together we always end up being silly and making each other laugh!



With our precious niece and nephew

The sun went down while we were up there ... breathtakingly beautiful!

 Our time with the Corbetts was way too short (we'll stay longer next time!;)), but we enjoyed every minute of it!

Highlights of our TN/OH/MI/MD trip:

Russell:  Finding a sweatshirt and a Revereware pan at Goodwill
             Getting to see Margaret
             Visiting Steven and Anna

Amanda: First time to visit the state of Michigan!
              Spending time with both of our families
              Camping with my fella!


  1. We had so much fun with y'all! :) Fun pictures!

  2. It was SO fun! We're still talking about it! :)
