
Monday, October 17, 2016

Another Texas Trip :)

On September 9th I hitched a ride down to Texas with David and Rachel.
It was so good to see Daniel again!!! :) 

After a couple of days in Daniel's hometown, we headed down to Galveston for a week with all the extended Hale family.
Daniel and I rode in Sam's truck, and picked up Andrew when we went through Houston. 

Some of us on the ferry, headed to Bolivar Peninsula.
Emma, Andrew, Hannah, Corrie, Esther, Sam, Daniel, and I 

The seagulls came close enough to eat out of our hands!

Our beach house

I loved all the wood work

Hannah and I enjoying one of the swings

The girl's room

The beach view out our window

This is the view from the front porch

Everything was so pretty!

Corrie and Esther

I think Corrie liked the sand more than the water!

This handy little sink under the house was just perfect for washing up the kids! 

Bobby, Michael, and Emma watching the sunset

Cody & Sarah


Everyone gathered in the huge living room for fun family times!

Bible Study

Sweet little girlies! :)

Bobby :)

All the kids loved the water. Unfortunately I don't have many pictures of them in the water because I left my phone at the house most days.

Daniel and I took an 8 mile walk down the beach one morning

It was SO beautiful

Daniel, Andrew, and Sean

We look like wet rats! :)

Mr. Hale, Amy, and Mrs. Hale

This is only about half of the group! :)

My dear friend Hannah with the guys :)

Breakfast time!

These seats scare me half to death! :)

Thankfully the kitchen was big enough for all of us :)


My little friend, Verity


Cayla, Bella, and Anna

Baby David


Daniel and I had to go get some Bluebell, of course! :)

Dinner time

Uncle Daniel is serving ice cream!

My darling man <3

Rachel and her sweet babies

We had Bible study as a family each evening

Cayla and Hannah


A storm rolling in
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We got a nice shower

And then, as the sun was setting, this interesting Eastern sky caught our attention!
Anybody have an explanation for this? This is facing East at about 7pm.

Leaving Galveston - back on the ferry boat with Daniel and Emma

After living in the country for so many years I'm still amazed by so much traffic!!

I feel quite sorry for anyone who has to live in a place like this!!

Back at the farm
Daniel and I found this kitten one evening when we were moving the cows.

The kids love it!

Andrew looking at books with Emma

And here are a few pictures Amy took of Daniel and me at the beach

We weren't prepared for pictures, but they turned out pretty neat!

 And somehow Amy managed to get nice pictures even though it was nearly dark!  Thanks, Amy!!

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