
Tuesday, November 8, 2016

The Lewis Edition: This and That

Over Labor Day weekend we enjoyed a little vacation!

 Camping at Lavon Lake.  

The view from our tent

Some of our favorite memories are the lovely sunsets and sunrises, and hearing the train go rumbling through the nearby canyon.

Bass Pro Shop on our way home :)

An early morning chat with my little friend, Madison.

Russell's favorite breakfast :)
Turkey sausage and cheese omelet

A song Russell and I came across and have enjoyed singing

Getting ready for a visit from David and Rachel!
(Who can tell what I'm making? :))

We had such a wonderful time with them!!!  

Making dinner

Thanks so much for coming, you two!  We still talk about how much fun we had when y'all were here!

Marshall Symphony outdoor concert.  I so enjoy getting to attend most of Russell's concerts, but somehow I always forget to take pictures!

A sweet note from an appreciative little student :)

Russell's 5th grade class.  They're beginners, and have made an amazing amount of progress since August!  I enjoyed observing their class recently.

We were given this charming plant, which we named "Ivy" after a little friend of ours. :)  It makes our house look so "homey"!

A fun project!

My first attempt at sourdough bread

View from our back balcony: Sunset and birds

Beautiful Texas sky!

I finally learned how to do a fishtail braid!

Cards I made for a gift to a friend

Getting our music organized for a very special wedding in Tennessee on October 29. :)

Fall/Thanksgiving decorations!

"O give thanks to the Lord, for he is good, for his steadfast love endures forever!" 
Psalm 106:1


  1. Loved all these!! So fun to get a glimpse of what y'all have been up to! :)

  2. I enjoy your posts, Amanda! Still hoping to be able to get together!
