
Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Texas Trip - Saturday Morning

Several years ago, through a special needs adoption website, I (Rebekah)
"got to know" (as much as I could on-line) a precious family who was preparing
to travel overseas to rescue a dear little boy from an adult mental institution.

I kept in touch with them through the years, and our family and church
got involved with praying for and helping them as they continued
to bless God's special little ones.

It was always a "dream" of mine, to one day actually be
able to meet this family....    
....and while we were on this trip, we were able to meet with them at
a park, and spend time getting to know them in person!
-This is Daddy, Mother, Emily, Sarah, and me (R to L) with 6 of the
dearest, sweetest, most lovable little ones I've ever met!

We didn't take many pictures, but here are the few that we got...

Sweet, sweet Benjamin

Benjamin with his parents, Thomas and Kat 

Jael and Bekah (pushing Timothy)

Me with Benjamin

Bekah with Timothy


Gabe, Jael, Benjamin, and Bekah with Mom (Kat)
I am just so grateful for the wonderful time we had with this precious family,
and for what it means to me, that we were able to meet them! 

"Oh give thanks unto the Lord; for He is good:  for His mercy endureth forever."

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