
Tuesday, January 3, 2017

The Lewis Edition: Christmas is Coming!

Christmas dishes and tablecloth from one of my sweet sisters!

Christmas cheer! :)  

And couch pillows!  Thanks so much, Mel!

Santa's workshop! ;)

Working on ornaments for Russell's string students.

Finished project!

This Christmas hymn was new to me this year.  I love the combination of tune and words, and the words of the second verse in particular:

"Fling wide the portals of your heart;
Make it a temple, set apart
From earthly use for heaven's employ,
Adorned with prayer and love and joy."

Nativity scene cling from another sweet sister!  Thanks, Anna!

Gift from a musician friend ... special and delicious!!!

We girls decided to make larger, "family" stockings this year,
 so we put our heads together to come up with the stocking style
 and fabric we wanted.  Here's what we were aiming for,
and ...

... ta-da!  They're finished!
(Made by Emily) 

Working on a gift for Russell.
I've learned to take pictures of things I'm working on
so I can see what they look like from a distance. :)

Russell's school student's Christmas Concert

7th and 8th graders
They sounded fabulous!

5th graders

This class is so cute!  
The audience enjoyed their performance of "Action Twinkle."

Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Bread ...

... for some friends.

Time to wrap gifts!  

Receiving Christmas cards and pictures
 has to be one of my favorite things during the Christmas season! 

Russell's quartet played at the local mall one Saturday afternoon.  
The music was beautiful!

My handsome fella!

One of the things I particularly enjoyed this Christmas season was all of the exposure, starting Thanksgiving weekend and going right up to Christmas Day, (both through playing music at various churches and hearing it played) to special Christmas church services and the many opportunities to meditate and be amazed again at all we have been given in Christ.  It was such a neat experience to begin meditating on these truths, not "just before Christmas when I get all my projects and Christmas shopping done," but to take the time to think about these things on a deeper level and allow God to speak His truth to my heart!

"Thanks be unto God for his unspeakable gift!"  2 Cor. 9:15

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