
Saturday, January 14, 2017

The Lewis Edition: Christmas Trip

We left home December 19 for an 11-day trip to Ohio and Tennessee.  

After spending one night with my family ...

(Doesn't the tricycle under the Christmas tree look adorable?!) 

... we headed on to Ohio to visit Russell's family.

The ice on the trees in Tennessee and Kentucky was so beautiful!


Winter Wonderland!

We had a great time with Russell's siblings and their spouses.  I've been so blessed by how they've welcomed me into the family.  It's a lot of fun to have sisters and brothers in law! :)

Peppermint Fluff with Chocolate Sauce, a special Lewis family Christmas tradition.
It was delectable!!!

After 3 days in Ohio, we traveled back to my family's on Christmas Eve.

These two are best friends!  I love to watch them interact.

This little fella is all about trains, if you hadn't noticed! ;)

Melissa and her darling little girl!  
Katherine is a delight to be around!

The newlyweds :)

Granddaddy and grandson

I love how Hugh communicates with one or two word sentences.  
Mama Flo was quite happy to fulfill his requests that she "sit" and "play train." :)

Christmas Day sunset

My fella getting some work done during vacation

And Mama cut my hair!  I love it! :)