
Saturday, February 18, 2017

The Hale Edition: Our New Home

I'm finally getting around to posting pictures of our lovely new home!!

I love having a fenced-in yard!

Here are some before and after pictures of the different rooms
(The before pictures were taken while the previous renters were in the process of moving out, so please excuse all the mess.)

I think the kitchen looks the most different!


I like how the kitchen is open into the living room.

Daddy wiping everything down

Daniel removing cabinet doors

Sanding down the primer
Rachel D. and Daniel 

Daniel and Papa Bear 

Mr. Mckee did a beautiful job painting the cabinets!

I love having so much cabinet space! (And so many beautiful dishes to fill them!)

 The living room before

The living room is still not quite finished.

Mama Flo gave us this pretty wall hanging, and the letters were signed by all our wedding guests.

Daniel and Mr. Mckee

Master bedroom before and after



Anna painted the Texas Flag for us, and I just finished making the extra pillows a few days ago.

This is a different wall in the bedroom (Before)

Mr. Mckee cut a door in the wall and added a 2nd bathroom. (After)

This is the bathroom before

Mr. Mckee and Chris put in a wall, cut another door, and made it into 2 bathrooms!

 The back bathroom

 The front bathroom 

I had fun decorating with shells a friend brought to me from Grand Cayman

Baby's room 

Daniel, Mr. McKee, Mr. Hale, and Chris discussing the next move

Taking a break from painting to eat some dinner


I can hardly wait to get our crib and dresser set up in here!

Baby's room is right across the hall from ours :)

Back bedroom
Before (the lights didn't work)


The last room is our office/laundry room



 A lot of these pictures were taken while we were moving in, so please excuse the mess!

And that's about it for our home tour!   We sure do love our home!

1 comment:

  1. Your house is beautiful and the rooms, especially the baby's room, look huge! Love and hard work have really transformed the place. What a beautiful house to raise children in.
