
Saturday, February 4, 2017

The Lewis Edition: January

Winter sunset!  

"The heavens declare the glory of God;
and the firmament showeth his handywork."
Psalm 19:1

Beautiful lamp from Mama Flo; 
special first of all because of who gave it, but also
because it has dogwood flowers (one of my favorites!)
and matches the quilt in our bedroom perfectly!

It makes the whole room look pleasant!

Frost on the windshield (before Russell scraped it off). :)

Russell surprised me with these roses on our 7-month anniversary (or "monthiversary") ;)

There's something so special about being given roses ...
I can't put it into words! ♡

I got out my sewing machine for the first time since we got married
and did some mending and other projects.

Quite pleasant to sew with such a nice backdrop!

I've enjoyed coloring this calendar from Mama
when Russell and I are relaxing in the evenings.

Our cozy living room one winter night. 
I'm so thankful for our home!!!

1 week later and they're still making me smile!

Fun project!

True to the saying,

(magnet from Rebekah) :)

... it just wouldn't be spring with starting some seeds!

Such a good feeling to get my fingers in the dirt again!

Russell had to be in Shreveport Wednesday through Saturday
the last week of this month, so I spent that time with Deborah and Daniel.
I'm very thankful to have a sister and brother-in-law less than 2 hours away!

Here Deb adjusts the temperature on the soup kettle (which is boiling broth)
as Daniel tells her over the phone which knobs to turn.

(matching hat, jacket and phone!)

Moving the cows up the road to new pasture

There are 8 calves in the herd, and they're so adorable!

We finished by putting up the fence
(the hard-to-see white stakes in the picture).

As usual, I forgot to take pictures of many of the friends I was blessed
 to spend time with, including my friend Esther and her newest little one.
It was so special to get to meet little James!

Deborah and I were also able to attend two baby showers for friends over the weekend!

I really enjoyed spending time with these little ones
who call me "Auntie"!

Isaiah "read" to this doll for about 10 minutes!  
So sweet!

David and his winning smile!

My buddy, Danny!
Spelling words with blocks ...

... along with Kathryn!

The last night I was there we got a treat ... a bonfire and fireworks!

Dan, Deb and Kathryn

It was chilly enough that we were glad for jackets and blankets,
even close to the fire!


The view from "my" room at Deb and Dan's house

Russell and I were SO happy to be back together after 4 long days apart!  
In fact, we're still very happy to be together again! :)

Deb and Dan spent the night with us after bringing me home, 
which was a lot of fun!

The flowers are gone, but I'm drying the petals.
Russell and I thought they looked a bit like Pringles on this plate! :)

A gigantic, heavy thermos at Walmart that we got a kick out of ...
and the sweetest, kindest, smartest, cutest
guy in the whole world!!!

Tomato seedlings!

The first signs of spring are appearing!  I can't believe how early
spring comes in the great state of Texas!  

I've always admired this home as I pass it on my walks/runs.

Until next time!


  1. I loved all of this post!! So many fun things! :) Thanks for the glimpse into y'all's month...kinda makes you not seem quite so far away. ;)

    And I cannot believe it's spring there already!! That's crazy!

    Love and miss you so much!

  2. Thanks, Anna! I feel like I post such an odd combination of pictures ... mostly ones I snapped to text to someone in the family! :) Glad you enjoyed it, though!

    Still waiting for some Corbett family posts! ;)

    Love and miss you all!
