
Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Katherine's First Birthday

It's hard to believe this little girlie is already ONE!

After her nap, before getting dressed for her party

She is so sweet!

Melissa made Katherine a Holly Hobby cake just like Melissa had for her first birthday.

 He looks like he knows what he's doing.  :)

Ready for the party to begin!

Attempting to get a good sibling picture...(I needed you, Deb!)

They do make the cutest faces!

Melissa on her first birthday

Hugh was more excited about the cake than Katherine was.  For weeks beforehand he talked about "!"

Helping Sis to blow out the candle

She's not sure what to think

The boys with their cupcakes

Time for presents

Helping Sis

"Pin the bonnet on Holly Hobby"

The onlookers

The birthday girl gets a turn

Trains and cousins

Coloring together

1 comment:

  1. You did good without me - that last sibling picture was strikingly adorable! 😀
