
Thursday, March 2, 2017

The Lewis Edition: It's February!

... and we're getting ready to go camping!!!

The "camping list" I made when we camped 
last fall saved me so much time and mental effort ...
and made the packing process much more enjoyable!

Almost ready!

At our campsite on Lavon Lake

Russell is enjoying getting back into film photography.
I think the shadows in this photo of his are so neat!

The first night it got down to 45 degrees.
We froze ... almost! :)
Here we are snuggled under our stack of blankets, reading.

Morning coffee and Bible reading the second
(and last) morning

It was extremely windy, which made cooking
on the camp stove a challenge!

We thought these eggs were the best we had ever tasted! :)

On the way home we stopped in Mineola and had lunch
at the East Texas Burger Company.  Delicious!!!

Then Russell bought us Bluebell at a little ice cream shop!  So yummy!

Valentine's Day!

What a reminder of the great love of Christ for us!!!

Getting craft supplies together to make Valentines
for some special people!

Some of my favorites

Heart-shaped cheese crackers for students!

They were pretty pleased! :)

Tulips from my Valentine!!!

Breathtakingly beautiful!

A gift from a friend :)

I'm learning calligraphy using a book,
 "Learn Calligraphy" by Margaret Shepherd.

It's SO much fun!!!

Some of the names I could write with
the letters I'd learned so far. :)

The seedlings are growing!!!

Look at the roots on this fella!

The squash and cucumber plants love their new spot
in our sunny, front kitchen window.

A chilly day and hot chocolate from a friend!

I finally decided how to display pictures
and special notes!

We like it!

Finally, a concert that didn't prohibit photography!
(I actually took this before it started anyway. :))

The Marshall Symphony


Happy Spring!!!


  1. Just now seeing these. Fun pics! We thought of y'all when we passed Lavon Lake Monday on our way to go ice skating. We'"" have to go there together some time.

  2. Looks like fun! Loved all the pictures. Your calligraphy is lookin' good! 🙂

    You should post the cheese crackers recipe. Looks like something Hudson would love! 😊
    Enjoy your spring! We have snow today!

  3. I would love to have the cheese cracker recipe too!
