
Wednesday, April 5, 2017

The Lewis Edition: Spring is Here!

My geranium (started from seed for our wedding) bloomed
again early this month, just as things began to get green outside!

I was surprised and thrilled to see so much of it come out this spring ...
it is literally everywhere!!!  

We had a wonderful time with a family with whom we
have mutual friends in Tennessee.
Looking forward to getting together again!

 Shreveport Symphony musicians getting warmed up
 for a Masterworks Concert.  I got a balcony seat!

Can you spot my fella? :)

We left from Shreveport and headed to Tennessee for
Spring Break week. 

A bridge to nowhere! ;)

Sadly, my camera phone memory was full, so I was unable 
to take pictures while we were in Tennessee ... 
but here are some highlights of the trip:

                                      Spending time with family (of course!)
                                      Practice shooting, and trying out Jonathan and David's new guns 
                                      Eating Bluebell every night! :)
                                      Lunch together at "Jonathan's" Red Lobster
                                      Worshiping and playing music at my family's church
                                      Getting to see Alana, Tristan and Blake

The following weekend Russell had a concert in Texarkana.
Our kind hosts let us stay in their very nice guest house! 

A small space, yet more than adequate!

Do you know what this is?
The bed!!!

Practicing for a few minutes before the concert.

And we're home!
This pictures says, "Home" to me. :)

It's so green here!  Loving it!

More blooms on the geranium!

Our mums and vinca from last summer made it
 through the winter and are happily blooming!


And, last but not least, squash and tomato plants!
The rest of the plants traveled with us and relocated
to my family in Tennessee.

This seedling "came up volunteer," as they say in Tennessee,
 in the compost I brought back from the farm.

My favorite road to walk and run. 
Reminds me of Shiloh Battlefield ... so many fun memories there!

Spring greens!

 Storm sky on our way back from a enjoyable afternoon in Dallas.

 Marshall Symphony prepares to give a great concert!

And that's all for now!

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