
Sunday, June 4, 2017

The Lewis Edition: The Month of May

The squash is blooming!

 Cucumbers, too!

Russell and I saw this at Goodwill. 😂

I love being Russell's secretary! ❤

The weekend of May 13 Russell played a concert in Arkansas.  Daddy and Mama
 drove down the day before so we could spend some time together and attend
Russell's concert on Saturday night.

It was such a fun weekend!  We did some thrift store shopping, enjoyed breakfast
and cookies at the hotel, visited, and heard some great music at the concert,
including a mandolin concerto!

I found this shirt at Goodwill for $2.50, and Mama bought it for me!
I'd been wanting to try my hand at cutting down a larger shirt to fit me, so,
with some advice from Melissa before I started cutting, :) I got started!


Melissa even sent a couple pattern pieces through the mail to me!
She's the best oldest sister ever!! 

I'm so pleased with how it turned out!

 Last month I invited a couple of girls from church (and their mom)
to our home and helped them each get started on a plastic canvas kit.

One of the girls surprised me at church a few weeks later
by giving me her completed project!

Thanks so much, Anna!
What a special gift!

This month marked the end of the school year for Russell,
along with his string student's Spring Concert.
They did a superb job!

7/8 Grades

 5th Grade

Our little garden. :)

Cilantro!  Yum!!!

Memorial Day weekend found us back in Arkansas
for an outdoor concert of American music!

Concert On the Square

 Looking festive!

We met a sweet family at the concert through a Bible Bee t-shirt! :)
So fun to discover we have mutual friends, as well as lots of things in common
... like chicken processing and playing bluegrass music!
We had a great time visiting with them!

The following morning we attended church with our new friends.
We enjoyed worshiping with them and hearing their pastor's heart for
the gospel and evangelism.

"First-time visitor's bag" given to us at their church.
Such a neat idea!

After church our friends took us out to eat and we enjoyed
more wonderful fellowship, as well as yummy food!
Thank y'all SO much!  We're still talking about it! :)

We had an eventful trip home, due to car trouble and a
storm that included hail, downed trees and sheets of heavy rain.
We found out later that there was an F1 tornado in the area.
So thankful to God for His protection!!!

We got home to a mess on our back porch due to the high winds.
But with a little TLC, everyone's looking happy again! ;)

Until next time!

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