
Tuesday, November 21, 2017


These pictures are old, but better late than never!


Her hair is finally long enough to put up!

Hugh and Katherine's cousin, Ella came over to play.

Anna and Steven moved back from Maryland this fall.  It is so fun to watch the cousins together!

Eva and Sarah

Hudson and Eva

Enjoying funny videos of each other

We had some friends over for a cookout on Labor Day.

First day of school for these two

Eva playing "school" with a class of matchbox cars.  She even made school books for them.

We babysat some friends one weekend.

Enoch quickly made friends with Eva.

Playing restaurant
Enoch takes the orders...

...and Audri mixes the food.

He's charming!

Heading out to pick apples

Sharing some of the apples with the neighbors' horse

More cousin time

And a few of Katherine's 18-month portaits

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