
Saturday, January 6, 2018

In Loving Memory

"Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of his saints." Psalm 116:15

On January 2 our dear Mrs. Beeman departed this earth to live eternally with her Savior!

To know Mrs. Beeman was to love her.  As my grandma said so many times, "I don't think there's anyone who doesn't like Suzi!"

Mrs. Beeman had a very special way of interacting with people of all ages; people young and old were drawn to her.  I remember there was always a "line" of friends waiting to talk to her!  She was surrounded by people who considered it an honor to spend a minute with her.  She was a friend to so many; every one of my siblings and both my parents would say that Mrs. Beeman was one of their dearest friends!

One of the things that made a conversation with Mrs. B so prized is that she was a great listener.  She showed that what you had to say was important.  Mrs. Beeman had a lot of wisdom.  She was a great encourager.  She also showed humility; she willingly admitted that she wasn't perfect and there were things she wished she had done differently.  That kind of humility caused me to respect and look up to her even more!

I loved watching the way she lovingly served her husband, the way she loved and sacrificed and gave for him and their children and grandchildren.  She also served her friends.  I remember when she showed up with a big, beautiful, delicious lunch on our busy moving day in 1997; watching her read story after story to my younger siblings, and, in time, her grandchildren; having her help us during busy summers on our farm in Tennessee, snapping green beans and shelling peas for hours.  Her servant's heart was so big!

Mrs. Beeman loved in a way that few people do, but in a way that everyone could feel!  She seemed almost blind to other's faults and always believed the best about people.  Because of this she had friends from many walks of life; whether or not she agreed with you, she respected and loved you, and you knew it!

I think one of the things that made her love so special is how she loved.  She loved by giving.  And isn't that how Christ loves us?  "For God so loved ... that he gave"!  Mrs. B's life was an exemplary picture of the love of God!

When I think about Mrs. Beeman, I think about the beauty and love of Christ, dogwood flowers, old books, peacocks and parakeets, strawberries and grapes, laughing at Mr. Beeman's jokes ... so many memories!  She was surrounded by family and friends who loved her.

So ... as we used to say when the Beeman family was leaving our home in Tennessee to drive back to Texas, "Goodbye not!"  Mrs. B, this is not, "Goodbye!" ... we will see you again someday!

"Weeping may endure for a night, but joy cometh in the morning." Psalm 30:5b

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