
Thursday, February 15, 2018

The Lewis Edition: January

Russell and I went out for breakfast!  I had to snap a picture
since we were "matching" in blue and pink plaid flannel shirts! :)

Planning for music lessons
I started 4 new piano students this month!!

I'm teaching a few students at the church where Russell teaches.
This pretty little spot is where I teach. :)

Enjoying my new veggie tray!

Our apartment complex got a laundry room!
So convenient, as well as nice and clean!

We got SNOW!!!
About 3 inches, and it lasted several days!

School was cancelled for two days, so Russell got to stay home!
We enjoyed our cozy days together!

Cheerful lights, as well as a place to display
pictures and cards from friends!

 Russell had to be in Shreveport for several days in a row,
so I went up to hang out with this cutie and her parents!

 Can't beat that smile!

Deborah in her pretty kitchen!

I babysat for these two one morning.

They are both on the move!
Had to be on my toes to keep up with them!

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