
Wednesday, April 11, 2018

The Lewis Edition: March

Chamber music concert!

 Texarkana Symphony Orchestra;
I got a balcony seat (my favorite)!

 Beautiful rose from a friend!

 Another friend gave me this giant acorn. 
I've searched the internet and field guide, but haven't been able
to figure out for sure what kind of oak tree it is from.
Ideas, anyone??

We took a 9-day trip to Tennessee over Russell's spring break
and had such a wonderful time!!!

I brought the flats of tomato, pepper and squash seedlings
I'd started and Sarah and I replanted them into larger containers.

All finished and in the greenhouse!

I neglected to take another picture the whole time we were in Tennessee, 😖
but I will list some of the highlights for us:

  • Getting to be there to celebrate Katherine's 2nd birthday!
  • A "girl's outing" to Hobby Lobby and lunch out with Mama Flo! 
  • Spending time with dear friends and family
  • Getting to see the new church building
  • Long morning walks (Rebekah and me)
  • Our traditional trip to Jackson and Starbucks (Russell and me)

I was surprised by how much our plants grew while we were away!

A fun project I brought back from Tennessee -
look for pictures of the finished product next month!

A card I made using ideas from the book
I got on clearance at Hobby Lobby ...

... and the reason for the card;
the grandmother of one of my students gave us this piano bench!
We were so blessed by her generosity!!!

 Texas Wisteria amazes me!  It is so vibrant and prolific!!!

 Herbs from family and friends ...
so cute in this planter!

Happy Spring, everyone!
Remember the Lord and Giver of Life as you see new life unfold around you!

"All things were made by him; and without him
was not any thing made that was made.
In him was life; and the life was the light of men." 1 John 1:3&4

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