
Friday, June 22, 2018

The Lewis Edition: May

Anna and Lydia spent some time at our house while their dad
was in the hospital for back surgery.
This was taken on one of our fun walks to the park!

The three of us tried out Shivers Shaved Ice,
using some coupons we were given.
It was worth the long wait in line!

I'm working on a quilt!
I'm finished with about half of the applique squares.
This quilt is special because Mama Flo cut it out years ago,
and a few years ago she gave it to me!

Ripe cherry tomatoes!
The birds got the first two, but now 
we're getting a few every day!

Russell and I stayed with sweet friends in El Dorado
while we were there for a South Arkansas Symphony Concert.

Ready for the concert!

Rehearsal for Russell's students' school concert!

We got a new (to us!) vehicle!!!
We plan to use it for travelling/camping.
We're thrilled with all the room inside,
and the smooth, quiet ride!

Outdoor Memorial Day Concert in El Dorado.

 A storm came up!
We only got rained on a little, though. :)

Our students gave their Spring Recital.
We were so pleased with their hard work
and the wonderful job they did!

Leona played "Alouette"

Tessa performed "Lightly Row"

 Russell, Kylie, Laura and Zane playing "Canon in D"

Lydia, Anna and me

Toward the end of May Rebekah came down for a visit!

I went to pick her up at Deborah and Daniel's
and spent the day.

Visiting with friends at the water park

Caitlyn is growing up so fast!
It was fun to watch her stack the shapes on this toy!


  1. The Lewis Edition is always my favorite. You seen to have a lot of fun; traveling and visiting, and entertaining. Congratulations on the "new" van! My sister has one and it is great because when my family visits hers, we all fit in one vehicle! Any plans to add a baby car seat to that van? You and Russell seem like you'd be wonderful parents.

  2. Thank you so much for your kind comments! And we would love it if the Lord gave us a child! :)
