
Thursday, October 4, 2018

The Lewis Edition: July Vacation!

Before going out of town for the month of July,
we went up and spent a day with this cutie
and her parents!

Love that she smiles when she sees a camera!

Deb let us take Caitlyn with us to a coffee shop!
No, she didn't get coffee, but she did get Cheerios! :)
She charmed everyone there with her sweet personality!

Russell and Caitlyn enjoying her kittens


A birthday gift from dear friends!
I love it!!!

I found some great deals at a dollar store that was
going out of business and got our first 2018
Operation Christmas Child items!

The second day of July we headed off for our month-long vacation
to visit family and go camping!

The first week we spent with my family, celebrating Mama Flo's 94th
birthday, picking gallons of blueberries, getting caught outdoors in a
thunderstorm at Pickwick Lake on the 4th, playing with our nieces
and nephew, and enjoying time with extended family members.
It was a busy, (hectic!) fun-packed week!

These two were given skates and enjoyed
trying them out around the house!


Something on Uncle Russell's computer is interesting!

Next, we spent a couple days with Mel, Ross, Katherine and Hugh!

The "mad scientist" playing with slime! 😂 
(Slime that completely failed because her mother and aunt
were so busy talking that they goofed on the recipe! ;))

Uncle Russell bought donuts for an after-nap snack!

Next we headed up to Michigan and spent a few nights
at the same spot where we have camped each summer
since we got married. :)

Ely Lake

While camping at Ely Lake we spent some time with
Russell's cousins who live nearby.
It is always a pleasure to visit with them!

We drove around town to see the houses where various
family members lived and visited several cemeteries.

Keith and Russell

Russell's grandparents:
Francis C. Lewis 1895-1977
Gladys (Rouse) Lewis 1896-1965 

Russell's great-grandparents:
Clara (Birdsell) Lewis 1865-1957
Chancy E. Lewis 1863-1963

We traveled for another day and
made it all the way to Michigan's Upper Peninsula!

The Mackinac Bridge is pretty impressive!

So cool to see it in person!

The bluest, most beautiful water I've ever seen!

Here you can see Mackinac Island

While we were in Sault Ste. Marie we camped at
beautiful Monocle Lake

The temperatures were so lovely; lows in the 50's and highs in the 70's!
We were grateful for jackets in the mornings!

 View from our campsite

"Home" for a few days!

 We enjoyed watching this ferry take cars across
the Saint Mary River

The flowers in front of this house were so lovely!

Watching the boats pass through the Soo Locks
between Lake Superior and Lake Huron
was a first-time experience for me, and so interesting!

Here you can see the water beginning to pour through
as the doors slowly open.

We watched a couple giant freighters get locked through ...

... as well as this cute sailboat!

Now the doors on the other end are opened!

On our last day in Sault Ste. Marie we went up into
the Tower of History

 The bridge to Canada, as well as the Saint Mary's Falls
and the locks

Back in Ohio, we spent a wonderful week with Russell's siblings,
taking Muppet on long walks, enjoying wonderful meals, doing
some shopping, and visiting friends.

Muppet on our bed :)

All in all it was a wonderful vacation,
and we made many fun memories!

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