
Friday, October 4, 2019

The Lewis Edition: July Trip, Part 1

Finally getting around to blogging about our summer trip! ❤

We spent the first week in Tennessee,
spending our first night ever in the trailer along the way!

 Daisy went along to stay at my parents' while we traveled.
She absolutely loves the trailer!

In Tennessee!
Sweet memories being made!


Independence Day!
Daniel and Aunt Donna

Lovely sunset over Pickwick Lake

My buddy, Hudson, and me, ready for fireworks!

Love the reflection in the water!

All the family came together to celebrate our dear Mama Flo's 95th birthday!

My family, all together for the first time since November 2017.
We are so blessed!!!

Us! :)

Our 3 precious nephews ...

... and 3 precious nieces!
 (Photo credits go to Sarah Smith)

Baby Daniel is adored by all!

Lots of berry picking went on at the farm.

Someone called Caitlyn, and when she turned
around this is the little face we saw!


The farm I love 😍

Hudson was pretty excited that he caught a chicken!

Such a wonderful, memorable time with family!