
Friday, February 15, 2008


David Jesse

David is the 6' 2" baby of the family and he's always been very personable and outgoing. He is a very giving person who loves to buy things for others, and because of his generosity he always has more to give away! David is very handy and can fix just about anything. He can often be found surrounded by piles of wires, tools, screws and other paraphernalia as he works on his latest contraption. David is very creative and intuitive. Over the summer David worked with Daddy and Jonathan at a local body shop that specializes in RV repair. David also does a lot of work for us around the farm. David can make anyone laugh.
Did You Know That...?
  • David is also known as "Jess," "Jesse-Bob," "Bobby," and a whole host of other nicknames.
  • David hopes to own a horse someday.
  • As a very little boy, David gagged whenever he smelled silly putty or erasers. His older siblings often had him smell things just to watch his reaction.
  • When David was 4 or 5, he watched Daddy repair his chain saw, then went upstairs, got his toy chain saw that had been broken a long time, and proceeded (successfully) to fix it!
  • David was really looking forward to losing his first tooth, but when it finally happened, he was eating breakfast...and he swallowed it!
  • David has been fixing watches for friends and relatives since he was little!
  • One evening after supper, while some of us were being noisy at the table, David covered his ears and exclaimed, "There's a great compassion at this table!" (Of course, he meant "commotion.")
  • David's favorite instrument to play is the banjo, but he can also play trombone, trumpet and piano.
  • David loves to celebrate!
  • One of David's favorite things to do is ride the 4-wheeler...second only to riding a horse!

1 comment:

  1. wow, what nice pictures of you David - I am afraid I might not recognize you as it has been so long - you have changed a lot, but it sounds like you are still the fun and loving David I remember...I love the banjo and can't wait to hear you play it! I never knew you loved horses - have you watched Lew Sterret's excellent videos on horse training and the Christian life - I have them all and must bring them if you have not - I just loaned them to Stephen Hutchins, as he loves horses and is going to train two of them that belong to someone in our church...he wants to do it like Mr. Sterret! I miss you and love you and hope to see you very soon...

    Love, Mrs. Beeman
