
Thursday, February 14, 2008


Jonathan Douglas

Jonathan is the first-born son in our family and he is a mature and dependable young man. He has always been very studious and he loves history. He also loves to read, especially military history and American politics - two areas that he's very interested in. Jonathan has good character and is always steady, careful and diligent. He enjoys sports and physical exercise, computers, music, and books. He is fun to be around! Jonathan is a student at Oak Brook College of Law.

Did You Know That...?
- Jonathan holds the interesting position of being both the 8th child in his family AND the first-born son!
- Jonathan's favorite American hero is Stonewall Jackson.
- Jonathan is a walking history book.
- When Jonathan was very young, he was terribly frightened by any animals. We were extremely surprised then, when at the age of 4, he accepted a snake trainer's invitation to pet a huge albino python!
- One day when Jonathan was about 3, Mama gave him some yogurt for a snack. She told him not to tell the younger girls that he'd eaten it because there was none left for them. Jonathan finished his yogurt, then went outside to where the girls were playing. He stood straight and tall before them and proclaimed very seriously, "I'm not supposed to tell you that I had yogurt!"
- When Jonathan was little, he wanted to be a garbage collector when he grew up!
- Jonathan laughs at jokes that the rest of us don't even think are funny!
- Jonathan is a good sport and doesn't mind being teased.
- One of Jonathan's favorite things to do is play football.

1 comment:

  1. Well are too old now for me to say mushy things to, but I do love you and remember what a wonderful Sunday School student you were - and also how kind and loving! It is a good thing to hear you still never tease girls...that is a nice character trait! You and Jedidiah have many alike things - he also wanted to be a garbage Patrick thinks that would be a fun thing to do, and he loves trash trucks! Mr. Beeman loves Stonewall Jackson as well - he never reads much, except the Bible, but he loves reading about Stonewall and creationism. Am praying for all your interviews and hope to see you soon...Love, Mrs. Beeman
